About Us
We are just a little "family" owned, "mom and mom shop" full of love and peace...a few tee shirts, a lofty dream or two, and a message.
PRIDE is something we take very seriously at Pride Rags. But PRIDE is more than a word or a month. It is more than a flag or a tee shirt. PRIDE is 365 days a year! It is a process. It is, often, an intimate, lonely journey, and it can be exhausting. PRIDE is "the consciousness of one's own dignity." There is dignity in truth, and that truth is worthy of respect and honor. You are worthy.
And to those allies whom we hold so dear, please, never doubt that we see you, thank you, and need you. We need you in the fight and on the front lines showing your PRIDE! Your support is paramount. We are stronger together, and collectively, our visibility is key.
To all, whether you choose to wear it on your sleeve or not...thanks for stopping by!
Journey on...inspired by love...and powered by PRIDE! FEEL IT!